Originally Posted by KipLarson
Well, I actually posted a link to this on vbulletin.com about how I thought they should use something like this... of course I didn't say I came up with it... but I don't think they like being told that someone that doesn't work on the vBulletin team has come up with something that works better than anything they've come up with.
The stuff they recommend would require an admin to sit at his/her computer constantly to approve new members or not.
The image verification(CAPTCHA) is so difficult, even I struggle on it, and I have 20/20 vision. Based on the amount of posts on all of the forums reguarding spam, you would think they would add something like this to the software.
SPAM BOTS do not think. They process data! Thats what makes this mod so GREAT! There is
NO data to process! It takes a human to answer the question.
I nominate this hack for MOTM!