Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
To stop bots (as opposed to humans or human-assisted bots) from registering, the vB3.6(.4) Image verification (CAPTCHA) has not been broken yet if set to use some more advanced features (random font etc...). No modification needed for that.
True...but it is VERY difficult for people to verify the image. I have 20/20 vision, and I struggle with Image Verification(CAPTCHA) on vbulletin boards. The current Image Verification is so tuff, it drives members away.
SPAM BOTS do not think. They process data. The simple solution is to create a question and answer. Then you do not need Image Verification. Look at the amount of posts in this and .com's forums about spam. Obviously its a problem on a lot of vBulletin boards. Perhaps vBulletin should rethink about adding the NO SPAM mod to their software.