Dang, wish I'd of known that before I set up the dbase but thanks, I'll definitely do it on the next move! At any rate, I got it done last night at about 3:30am after much help from liquid web with some problems that cropped up. Dang, I am tired!
Sooooooo........I have another site to move but have to get 2 funky issues figured out before I can do it.
1. I have 2 forums with almost the exact same #members and #posts/Threads but for some reason when I backup, forum 1 is about 1.75GB but forum 2 is 217MB, yes, MB. That's way wrong. I am using the same command line but just changing the pertinent info (dbasename, dbusername and password).
2. Last night during the move, the server co informed me I couldn't get root FTP access via WS_FTP (my current FTP program) They had me install WinSCP. Using that program, THEY are able to log in as root with my password, but I am NOT. We tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program, as well as uninstalling and reinstalling different versions. Nothing worked. They think its something with my computer like a firewall (don't have) or who knows what? They are at a loss. I don't know where else to turn. I have another site to move but need that root access to do the move (it was a Pain in the butt without it last night) BTW I DO have root access to putty/ssh and it works dandy. Wierd!.
I know there are lots of knowledgeable people on here so I am hoping someone may have an idea on how I can solve these wierd problems? Any thoughts on what I might check?