Originally Posted by PennylessZ28
Punch Out
Mike Tyson's Punch out
I have a bunch of old carts but I'm not giving any of them up. If you're intrested in saving some wear and tear on that old NES you outa pick up a couple of dreamcasts. You can get them with two controllers, four memory cards (often times with at least one VMU) and sometimes a throw in game for about $20.
The Dreamcast will run just about every NES game via perfect emulation with no modification to the console. All you need is a blank cd-r, back-ups of your carts, and some free software. There is also a SNES emulator that is a little on the slow side, a Genesis emulator with a few bugs that need to be worked out, and a Neo-Geo emulator that will run nearly all neo-geo cd games perfectly. Doom has be ported and quake has been too iirc. There is also a lot of home brew software out there (including some good games). Well worth the $15 - $25 you're going to spend on getting started.