I provided a link to our site's wiki. This wiki is running vbWiki Pro, but since vbWiki Pro reuses all of the code of vbWiki Standard, you can see the user authentication integration working there.. Feel free to register on the forums, and log in and out of the forums/wiki.
vbWiki's Usergroup Mapping
vbWiki (both Standard and Pro editions) has an option to synchronize vBulletin's usergroups into MediaWiki usergroups.
If group synchronization is on (it is on by default), then whenever a user logs on, his/her MW groups are synchronized with whatever groups he/she is in vBulletin.
(The following only applies to vbWiki Standard. In vbWiki Pro, this is configured through vBulletin's Admin CP > Usergroup Manager)
The setting that controls this mapping is named $g_vbWiki_Usergroup_Mapping, here is an example (and the default for this setting):
PHP Code:
$g_vbWiki_Usergroup_Mapping = array (
6 /*Administrators*/ => "sysop,bureaucrat"
If you want to change this mapping, add these lines of code in vbWiki_Init.php, after the line that says 'CUSTOM SETTINGS START'.
In the example above all vBulletin users who are part of vBulletin's usergroup with id 6 (Administrators), will be added to the MW usergroups sysop and bureaucrat.