Wow, so many posts.
Well, my site isn't exactly
blacklisted, it is just banned.
I created another account at, totally different screen name and wrote a blog catered to the "crowd-mentality" and it has already been "dugg" twice. Coincidentally, my forum's url was also listed on the excellent indirect advertising piece that I wrote and what do you know? I receive traffic and sign-ups! Apparently, my piece was really good and my forum's url is not the issue. The issue is with the user name "Market Profits."
I submitted my new piece with my new digg screen name because the old one is "burned." I hate changing screen names, don't you?
And my account at is not banned either. I chose to create another one for my own success.
Apparently, when Digg receives multiple submissions from a single source that are subsequently "labeled" spam, their system automatically blocks the originating site.
And did I get caught doing anything wrong? Of course I didn't! Everything I did is questionable, but it is within guidelines.
Am I bitter? Not exactly. I'm only amazed at how digg relies on the subjectivity of a member to determine what spam is. Talk about an advanced method. Not like advanced calculations and algorithms.
Did I use vbseo correctly? Hard to say, but I do know that I didn't use it incorrectly.
And as far as I know, anyone who signs up at has the liberty to Digg anything they want.
But, it is better to digg something in politics and attacking someone, as the Digg members prefer this type of "write-ups."
I wrote one just for them and bingo, it was a success. Here's to catering to while indirectly plugging my forum!
Thanks vbseo, for the extra traffic and sign-ups.
Thanks to all of you for your wonderful feedback!
The world is a better place.