Three or four things...
1. This is my first post on this board ever... Greetings
2. I liked the included flags pretty well, and was greatful just to find this (thanks tnguy3N). In truth though, what I really wanted was a consistently-sized set of flag icons that would fit OK on a single line or in a table (I have non-VB pages I want to display them on too). I spent a while surfing for another set, but didn't find anything that I particularly liked. So... I played around with the original flags from this mod and found that they resize pretty well in Photoshop to a consistent 26x14 pixels. There are only a couple/three flags I'm not sure I want to resize in width (might be noticeable).
3. Two things came up while working with my custom flag set. When saving my new files Photoshop warned me about keeping file name lengths to 31 characters or less for certain MAC browser compatibility. It also replaced the spaces in the file names with dashes by default.
I've seen a couple references on the web that using spaces in filenames is risky. Am I being paranoid, or has anyone else run into problems with spaces or filename length lately?
(Also see sample icons in the size I'm working on to see if you like...)