I can't be sure on that, 6.5 seems WAY low. Everyone uses avitars, I have a bunch of smiles, and everyone puts pics in their posts and signatures. I've got almost 17k members for each site so it just seems impossible to only be using 6.5gb! Actually, my server CP says
Disk space used is 6515 mb... and that translates to 6.5GB right? But that is what it says.
First get a new server.
can do
2nd Back up your databases
um, am working on getting dqbackup setup.
3rd Back up your files
no idea how to do that
4th Move your old files to new server
no idea how to do that
Thats it
simple I'm sure but I don't know how. I was considering softlayer to be my new host but they don't do any backups or transferring of the site from old server to new server. I need a little hand holding.