Banned from after spamming my forum using vBSEO links
Greetings to all,
I'm a vbulletin owner and have optimized my forum with vbseo. As such, me and my forum team "cross-linked" several of our threads and post with We did experience an increase in traffic and our membership went up, however, we were also the victims of false spam complaints.
Please be careful and do not submit a lot of links to or you might experience the same results. Your account being banned and your forum url banned, therefore, making a part of vbseo totally worthless.
I'm in the middle of heated debate with, but their site is so rinky-dinky that it does not look like my forum url will be cleared from the banned list anytime soon.
Members of falsely accused me of spamming because we "dug" a lot of post at, not because we actually spammed.
Now, since there is a mod to include "cross-linking" buttons without vbseo, it kind makes me wonder what vbseo is suppose to do when some of the features that came with it, do not "work."
Hopefully my problem with gets straightened out.