It had to do with the interest - it was double compounded - the way it was set up, I could deposit or withdraw the money that was there - but it would display 1/1000th the amount
4.03 would actually represent 4030.00 for example. I could withdraw 1000, and it would withdraw it, but it would only add 1, and by the same token, I could deposit 1000 back but it would only take off 1 (because of the double compound).
I fixed the deposit and withdraw configurations so that it would be strict on that; if you had 4.03 in the bank, you could only take 4.03 - and then fixed the double compounding.
My next idea on this is to work a cron job to automatically handle the interest rather than the way it is set up now. It takes a refresh on the screen to recalculate it and will sometimes display things such as -14 days. A cron job should fix this. Just have the interest based on the difference between the deposit time and when the cron is run.