Site Name: AMAC - American Muscle Auto Club
Description: AMAC is a car club unlike any other. We provide many perks for our members because we realize that members make the site, not the Admins. All members of our club/site get 3GB of personal storage for any/all types of attachments. Additional for the club itself we focus more on the people rather then the cars. Not just anyone can get in because of this. We allow all our members to speak openly and freely, in fact, we encourage it. If you can't be yourself then what's the point, is how we feel. All are welcome, but realize that because we only censor the board if someone is being TRULY hateful and angry, you might find the posts/threads rather candid.
Reason for Nomination: Because of our unique stance on censorship, focus on community, and all the mods/hacks working in harmony with our users, I feel we're an ideal choice for BOTM. We offer options like a Mobile Style for PDA/PocketPC users, in-line integration of Google Videos/You Tube/StreetFire within our Media Center, and much, much more!
Our site is best viewed in either the latest FireFox, or IE7, at resolutions at or above 1024x768.