Originally Posted by rasp187
There are many IRCd's out there and various forms of channel/operator services. My network runs Nefarious IRCd with X3 (a variant of SRVX) and it's one of the easiest services available.
You have to download whatever type of IRCd you want, install it, and then download whatever services you want that are compatible with the IRCd you're going to use and install them and set up the config file accordingly (can be tricky).
I highly recommend you stay away from UnrealIRCd and services like Anope, Epona, ConferenceRoom, etc.
I'd personally recommend either Asuka, IRCu or Nefarious as your IRCd and X3 as your services. If you want to test it, stop by irc.protium.org and you can check out the commands and such.
I also recommend UnrealIRCd with Anope Services.
How to install UnrealIRCd:
How to install Anope Services: