1. Was you getting that before changing the php file
2. What else does it say on the page (does it suggest its a php error)?
3. What version of php does your server use?
Sounds like the TickerInfo.txt file isnt set up correctly, use the default version first
eg :
RSS = "http://p.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?c=Top%20finance%20stories&o=rss002"
since the php files uses:
$pos1 = strpos($strURL, "RSS = "); // "RSS = " needs to be present exactly
$strURL = substr($strURL, $pos1 +7); //on the 7 char, on start of that line, the rss feed adr needs to start
$pos1 = strpos($strURL, "\""); // finds the position of the last (")
$strURL = substr($strURL, 0, $pos1); // cuts out the relavant URL
I cant see where else an outofbounds error would occur