Suggestion for increasy secure:
1- Captcha for login and
specially Recover password
2- Configurable number os recover pass per month.
Usefull a lot i think, some users can just register and do that 100 times, after that report as spam: result: the server will not acept e-mails from your site.
Sugestions "more"
3- - Remove avatar check, there is a mod on phpbb that checks users avatar size and kb.
More info:
4- - Force read a topic.
Force users read a specific t?pico before use the forum.
Usefull if you have an important announce and need show it.
like "You will be redirect to a topic where you must read before use the forum.
Admin confugrable message + log showing who readed it and when. there is a similar on phpbb too.
- Allow users make new topic/reply only after X days from your registration. We could do that for each forum:
Support: 4 days after registration
Off topic: 10 days after registration
Custom messages by ACP: You need wait (forum registration - days to post) to post on this forum or section.
That's all my ideas at moment ;D
Thanks and sorry the bad english