Originally Posted by DeMagH
just a couple of questions if i may ask:
- does this work only at registration or also changeable from the user profile?!
It is changeable from the user profile.. it uses the honor system but that is why I added in the ability to disallow users who would abuse the system.
- I don't see multiple decisions, like if field5=USA then forums_id_to_view=9 10 11 elseif field5=Canada then forums_id_to_view=11 12 13, does it allow multiple decisions options?
In the version I just uploaded, you can set two field restrictions.. the code can be modified to allow more field restrictions though.
now i read the code and i think i can allow multiple choices from the first line in the code, instead of x<2, make it x<5 or whatever number i want it to stop at+1, is that correct? I guess it just needs more explanation for ppl not into much coding as myself to show its full potential, looks very promising though.
yeah.. you're partly correct. the other part that would need to be changed is the vbulletin settings/options stuff which would need to be duplicated but that is simple. What number of field restrictions do you think would be useful to have? 5? 10?
Thanks for the feedback