I've not officially updated this hack because I've not had any time to mess with it or even learn the vB hooks system. However I did quickly get it working with vB 3.6x with few modifications.
One caveat: The place where this is hack is inserted into the vB code will email you each time the user does something on your forum. That's annoying. There is certainly a much better place to insert the code so that it will only email once per user session, which is how my original hack worked. I have not had time to locate the ideal location, so if anyone reading this wants to chime in, I'm all ears.
This will work with vB 3.6x, keeping the above caveat in mind:
On the line
userinfo['usergroupid']==X, "X" should be replaced with the user group ID you want flagged.
On the line
$emailaddr = "REPLACE WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"; add your email address where indicated.
In "includes/functions.php", look for:
... and insert this immediately after:
// ### EMAIL ADMIN IF FLAGGED USER COMES ONLINE - JOHN STONE HACK #################################################
$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
$user = ($vbulletin->userinfo['username']);
$subject = "Flagged user online!";
$message = "User: $user \nIP address: $ip";
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid']==X)
{ // Flagged user
vbmail ($emailaddr, $subject, $message);
// ### EMAIL ADMIN IF FLAGGED USER COMES ONLINE - JOHN STONE HACK #################################################
I hope this helps. I'll post an official hack if I have time to make it work as intended with vB 3.6x, or if someone provides a better place to insert the code.