Hey Cap'n Steve.
I've been using this hack for a long time. Great work. I'm having trouble upgrading, though. I recently upgraded my forum from 3.0.6 -> 3.6.4 and upgraded to the 3.5.x version of QuoteIt 2.0 at the same time. However, when I just tried to upgrade to QuoteIt 3.0 (downloaded just now) I got this db error when attempting to import the product:
Invalid SQL:
DELETE ratings.* FROM quoteratings AS ratings
LEFT JOIN quotes AS quotes ON quotes.quoteid = ratings.quoteid
WHERE quotes.quote IS NULL;
MySQL Error : Not unique table/alias: 'ratings'
That seemed to be just a clean-up operation, so I decided to remark it out. However when I tried the import again I got the same db error TwinsForMe mentions above:
Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO datastore
(title, data) VALUES
("quote_settings", "a:14:{s:13:\"enablecontext\";s:1:\"0\";s:14:\"moderatequotes\";s:1:\"0\";s:16:\"numbertomoderate\";s:1:\"5\";s:9:\"allowhtml\";i:0;s:11:\"allowbbcode\";i:1;s:12:\"allowsmilies\";i:1;s:11:\"allowimages\";i:0;s:15:\"allowlinebreaks\";i:1;s:13:\"continuousids\";i:1;s:12:\"saveascookie\";i:0;s:11:\"upgradedate\";i:1168175936;s:16:\"enablecategories\";i:1;s:14:\"showunapproved\";i:1;s:12:\"reportemails\";s:0:\"\";}");
MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'quote_settings' for key 1