You did a great job as you have created a forum specifically designed for creating you dollars!
Promote it the right way and you will definitely make some cash!
On a side note, you might want to save that image for when a member registers and is already comfortable with your forum.
For beginners and to attract members, erect an image a bit more conservative but not so much that it is a librarian on a Friday night sitting at home.
love the domain name!
This forum is the best money maker I have seen, next to
You did a great job! Keep it up!
Originally Posted by bigdog829
I'll just be blunt, It looks horrible broken imaages on every style, missing gradiants that belong to the style you got the stock blue gradients on the black and gold. Mismatched new & old post icons also on the black and gold.
Don't take it personal just my opinion.
Will you really do graphics for food?
If so, I have some ruffles you might like....
Oh yeah, one last thing...get a favicon!
Dump the default v.