Originally Posted by abramelin
demo please.
I don't have a test forum I would be willing to demo it on. The other people seem to understand it without a demo.
Here is an example in context..
let's when a user registers they choose whether they are male or female. the values for male/female are stored in the userfield table (e.g., in field5). Now let's say you only wanted people who specified "Male" then they would be allowed to post in the male forum but the females would only have read access. It will be easy to expand the number of field-profile-forum permissions, I just didn't do that during testing. I am still pretty new to vbulletin hacking but this plugin would probably be more intuitive if the drop down option in the vbulletin options area actually listed the real names of the different fields which I think I can do based on some code I was skimming through earlier... anyway, if anyone has actual comments/feedback I would be glad to hear it, thanks.