Originally Posted by Cap'n Steve
everyone with problems editing quotes - Make absolutely sure you have the latest .js files on your server. If it still doesn't work, please post the exact error.
I have the latest QuoteIt files on my server including the .js files but am still getting an error for the editing quotes button. The javascript error it returns when clicked is:
Error: agent.handler.responseXML has no properties
Source File: http://url/clientscript/quoteit_moderation.js
Line: 282
I also still have a problem when selecting a category without any quotes in it. I am not getting the DB error any longer so thank you for fixing that problem, it does now show the correct"No quotes matched your search" message. But then after this the auto redirect gets the url wrong. Instead of redirecting to
http://siteurl/quotes.php it is trying to go to
And one final small error. When adding a new quote the context text box is very small and aligned to the left of the page.