The database error should be fixed, as well as the Quick Language Chooser (I mean it this time). The Quote Filtering Options currently gets squeezed to the side in Firefox with some styles. If anyone good with CSS knows how to fix it, I'd appreciate the help because I can't seem to get it right without messing up the search box.
efil - What do you mean some options won't save? To arrange everything right to left, try editing the css files and switching left and right in those.
MaestroX - Do you have any quotes in the database? Make sure you download the latest version. If it still doesn't work then your server might have a problem with redirects.
Amiga Harrison - Thanks for catching that, it should be there now. It appears at the bottom of this list, though, and make sure you give yourself permission to approve quotes.
TwinsForMe - It uses the table width for whatever style you're using. You could adjust that or edit one of the css files.
everyone with problems editing quotes - Make absolutely sure you have the latest .js files on your server. If it still doesn't work, please post the exact error. In Firefox, it'll be under Tools -> Javascript Console; in Internet Explorer, there's probably an icon that you have to double-click on the bottom-left of the window.
Originally Posted by jluerken
I have the same error like efil is posting above
Which error is that?