yeah sorry i forgot about that, the arcade is still set to that. I've reset them all in any case.
I literally can not get into anything.. i get the login prompt for admincp, but when you goto login it goes to /forums/login.php file (which of course doesnt work) and gets stuck there... so im effectively locked out of doing anything.... and i dont understand why? i checked all the tars of the games i downldoaded from ibparcadedownloads and none of them appear to have anything malicious in them... so i dont know
is there any files i can manipulate to get into the forum.. i cant even do an upgrade of the software (in an attempt to repair) because i cant login...
I managed to get into the upgrade thing, you just get a prompt for customer number and its doing an upgrade again.. fingers crossed it may fix it??
And no it didnt..... back to the drawing board