Originally Posted by MSheraz86
I'm kind of a newbie at this .htaccess file change but i'm getting there. I've managed to fix other areas but i'm having trouble uploading a new block.
It gives me the 406 Not Acceptable error message. I've already added the .htaccess file into the z folder and to add to that I just added rewrite folder into the z folder but that wouldn't help either.
"Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource /forum/z/zadmin.php could not be found on this server."
That's the error message I receive. Do I need to add something to the existing .htaccess file that is not mentioned anywhere?
It turned out this was being caused by mod_security. If anyone else gets the same or a like error message, please add the following to your /z/ .htaccess file:
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off