I was taking up service requests from here for quite a while, but I had a number of troublesome jobs all right in a row. As of right now, the majority of my work is for my past clients that I've established a good relationship with over the last couple of years. I get quote requests and such from my website on a daily basis, but only about 5% of them actually go anywhere (Even when people come to you for work, the majority of them will still have the mentality that everything should be free.)
I think you would definitely have a very hard time making a living off of freelance design alone. In a good month, I can make upwards of $1000 to $2000, but then I could easily have a month right after where I don't make anything. It's a very unreliable source of income for sure. I was lucky enough to get hired on by the CPL as a graphic designer back in November, which is giving me a nice bit of salaried income every month to stabilize things a bit. I'm also in college and just working for fun money and not trying to support myself as well. If you're thinking of a design career that offers you a salaried position, then I think you could do quite well, but as far as freelance goes, it has it's ups and downs and is anything but a dependable source of income.