Forgot another edit which must be made to the admincp/vbsupport.php file inorder for emails and pms to work with the categorys. Since the pm and emails get sent based on the individual category set up. Once the file edit is made in the admincp-> manage categorys select a category for edit and at the bottom you should see check boxes with administators listed for email and PM option. Select the admin and save this will send a pm based on who is selected for a specific category.
in the folder admincp/vbsupport.php
function print_admin_user_row($title, $name = 'multibox', $columns = 0, $userlist)
global $vbulletin;
// build $userids
if (empty($userlist))
// build an empty $userlist
$userlist = '0';
$ids = explode(',', $userlist);
// build the options
$options = array();
foreach($vbulletin->vbs_admin AS $userid => $user)
change to:
function print_admin_user_row($title, $name = 'multibox', $columns = 0, $userlist)
global $vbulletin;
// build $userids
if (empty($userlist))
// build an empty $userlist
$userlist = '0';
$ids = explode(',', $userlist);
// build the options
$options = array();
foreach($vbulletin->vbs_admin AS $userid => $user)
// unserialize the datastore
$vbulletin->vbs_category = unserialize($vbulletin->vbs_category);
$vbulletin->vbs_admin = unserialize($vbulletin->vbs_admin);
change to:
$vbulletin->vbs_category = unserialize($vbulletin->vbs_category);
$vbulletin->vbs_admin = unserialize($vbulletin->vbs_admin);