Ok, with some research I finally got this to show the categories and assigned admins in both the support thread created and in creating a new ticket in vB 3.6.4.
you need to edit the author's files in the upload folder includes/vbsupport_functions.php file and the vbsupport.php file as follows:
// function to build the category options
function vbsupport_build_category_options($selcatid)
global $vbulletin, $vbphrase, $show;
// clear out $categoryoptions
$categoryoptions = '';
// check if they are allowed to change ticket categories
$show['category'] = false;
if (!empty($vbulletin->vbs_category) && is_array($vbulletin->vbs_category))
change to:
// function to build the category options
function vbsupport_build_category_options($selcatid)
global $vbulletin, $vbphrase, $show;
// clear out $categoryoptions
$categoryoptions = '';
// check if they are allowed to change ticket categories
$show['category'] = false;
if (!empty($vbulletin->vbs_category) && is_array($vbulletin->vbs_category))
In vbsupport.php
// build the assigned user (if any)
$show['assigned'] = true;
$assigned = $vbulletin->vbs_admin[$thread['assigneduserid']];
if (!empty($assigned) && is_array($assigned))
change to:
// build the assigned user (if any)
$show['assigned'] = true;
$assigned = $vbulletin->vbs_admin[$thread['assigneduserid']];
if (!empty($assigned) && is_array($assigned))
// build the category (if any)
$category = $vbulletin->vbs_category[$thread['categoryid']];
if (!empty($category) && is_array($category))
change to:
// build the category (if any)
$category = $vbulletin->vbs_category[$thread['categoryid']];
if (!empty($category) && is_array($category))
I am posting this fix since no word or activity has come from the author since July 2006. I feel that alot of members could really use this hack for their boards. The call for the datastore was not working which required a do_db_fetch since it did not recognize the vbs_category and would only see the datastore folder in the data base when using the call $vbulletin->vbs_categaory. These edits may not be needed by everyone, if you did a fresh install of 3.6.4 and not the upgrade the authors files may work without the edits you need to try the authors file and if categorys do not work then use the edits.