Extra resources:
For spanish users, the translation of this hack: (upload it in the Language Manager)
Spanish translation
Instructions for making it work with
vbShout 2.0
Upgrade instructions: upgrade the xml product at the admincp
- Added support for MySmilies when previewing a post/thread (newpost/newthread)
- Bug fix: a javascript problem, not on a blank installation but when used along with other hacks (ej. vbPager). Made them coexist.
- Bug fix: When viewing a pm, your smilies were parsed, instead of the pm sender's smilies
- Bug fix: In some WYSIWYG scenarios, a class="inlineimg" appears because of a double parsing. This was fixed.
- Added a hint for adding compatibility for vbShout (check the Extra resources section)
Upgrade instructions: upgrade the xml product at the admincp
- Bug fix: in the usercp navigation panel the link was showing with no background
- Added an index.html to the mysmiliesvb directory for security
Upgrade instructions: reupload mysmiliesvb.php
- Bug fix: If a * was found in the replacement text, it was incorrectly parsed
- Added spanish translation in the zip
- First release
Known bugs:
None yet