Originally Posted by UltimateOreo!
No offense, but if its not ajax, its not really worth installing. This will DEFINATELY be an install if it gets implemented with AJAX. Actually, I think it is, because it has seconds, although, you could make it simpler instead of having users enter a syntax.
not really.... it was what I needed, and it was what I installed in my forums

It's what my members needed. It was worth writing and worth installing for me.
Any suggestions about how the syntax could be easier are welcome. I wanted to attain a flexible to use syntax, yet powerful. I don't find difficult to remember h for hours, m for minutes, s for seconds...... An alternative I ran into was something like giving a fixed date, but that is more complicated and ended up in having the people to make calculations by hand.
I certainly don't see how someone can add AJAX to this hack, for me, it's a strain to the server, and completely unnecessary.
If the behaviour that you want is a live counter, that decreases second by second without reloading the page, that can be done with a very simple javascript client-side (that I may do if my users ask for it). WITHOUT going to the server side for it, ajax is not for everything.
I will simply not do a request to my server every second just to let the server do the parsing for updating a counter. I'd need something more elaborated to justify using ajax for this. I only see ajax added to this hack to check if the user edited the counter and update it afterwards... I don't see anything else changing server side.
Thanks for the comments everyone. Yes, the month is considered 30 days. But that's only for counters greater than 30 days.