It appears to me just going thru the code in functions_vbsupport that some thing here is not right. It will not read the datastore for the variables. Not a coder so I can not figure out why the categories are not displaying. The author seems to have disapeared and while it its functional in 3.6.4 without categories it much more beneficial if they were too work. Would greatly appreciate any help. If its wrong to post this, I appologize
// function to build the category options
function vbsupport_build_category_options($selcatid)
global $vbulletin, $vbphrase, $show;
// clear out $categoryoptions
$categoryoptions = '';
//check if they are allowed to change ticket categories
$show['category'] = false;
if (!empty($vbulletin->vbs_category) && is_array($vbulletin->vbs_category))
// always set this first value
$categoryoptions = "<option value=0>" . $vbphrase['vbsupport_none'] . "</option>";
// process all of the vbs_category
foreach($vbulletin->vbs_category AS $categoryid => $category)
// check if this category is accessible
if (($category['active'] > 0) AND vbsupport_check_allowed($vbulletin->userinfo, $category['allowedgroups'], $category['deniedgroups']))
// check if its integrated with vbbux / vbplaza
if ($vbulletin->options['vbsupport_vbbuxplaza_integrate'] > 0)
// check if the cost is more than 0
if ($category['cost'] > 0)
// format the cost properly
$category['cost'] = vb_number_format($category['cost'], $vbulletin->options['vbbux_decimalplaces']);
// update the $category['name'] to show the cost
$category['name'] .= " (" . $category['cost'] . " " . $vbphrase['vbbux_name'] . " " . $vbphrase['vbbux_points'] . ")";
// check if this is the one assigned
if ($categoryid == $selcatid)
$categoryoptions .= "<option value=" . $categoryid . " selected>" . $category['name'] . "</option>";
$categoryoptions .= "<option value=" . $categoryid . ">" . $category['name'] . "</option>";
// set it so this user can set a category
$show['category'] = true;
// return the $categoryoptions
return $categoryoptions;