Mr. Chad--that's the saddest and most insulting thing I've ever heard from a coder in over 9-years I've received help. I'm not asking you to code my site, though I don't mind paying "a coder" for the work and I often have when I could not figure it out for myself.
I would know somewhat "what I was doing" if your explanation wasn't so vague, you stated, "I had to edit
a template to change:
I justed wanted to know "what template? and where?" as most coders and contributors that post their hacks here do that very well.
For someone claiming "best yet" and "i don't have that much time to explain how to get this to work to a noncoder," it only indicates to me you really don't care if anyone uses your hack or not. Thanks anyway, and if anyone ever needs photography instructions, I don't mind helping even though you're not a "pro " photographer, in fact I wrote two books on it available at Barnes & Nobels, Borders and many other places because I'm passionate about my craft and it feels better to spread the gospel of my craft than hinder it.
Wishing you the best, and Happy New Year! rg sends!