Well I will look at the code next month see if we can improve it otherwise I would just rewrite the entire code with allot more features such as calendar, task and make it more like a mail program itself similar to Horde Webmail but with vB Intergrations. But at this time I do not have the time but should have some time next year to do it starting in Jan - but I would need a group of beta testers to test it and provide feedback!
I would like to get the input of everyone who wants this done so I will be holding an open discussion on it on Jan 2, 2007 if anyone is interested on how to access this PM me - for the discussion will proabbly occur on a Skypecast but PM for best time in EST or let us know your timezone - so we can set the best time for it. We will discuss where this project is now as well as things that should be added to it - known bugs and what not so I get a better understanding what I am going to put myself and staff through.