How were your christmas days Jaap
I suddenly get the errer "no Datamanager" when posting a new blog...but the message is posted..raar
Also...when I post several blog entries all is fine and looking good. But when I delete all blogs and leave 1,..then it looks like a regular forum post. So when I try to add another blog it is just a forum post. It doesn't give me the possibility to enter a password or use an image for the blog. I checked the forum and it somehow jumped back to Forum type (default, diary or blog):
Default Forum
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Oke, here a summary of the bugs that I encountered with the BLOG. Hoping that it might help you Jaap fixing these bugs one day if more people have these bugs

- Error message "no datamanager" when posting a new blog with Weblog Thumnail
BUT the post appears in the blogforum. Posting a blog with or without password is no problem.
- Forum type (default, diary or blog) switches back to Default Forumwhen deleting a blogpost.
- When posting a 'quick reply' in a existing blogpost I get the error:
Fatal error: Class 'vB_DataManager_blog' not found in /home/eikwijt/domains/ on line 206
- When I post an empty 'quick reply' in a blogpost then an empty popup popuppes. But when I post an empty 'reply' in a blogpost then the popup contains the reason why it popuppes.
- When posting a 'reply' no error encounters
- When I hide a blogpost, I can not tell which one I hided as admin. This blogpost isn't marked or anything, nothing says to me which blogpost is hided or soft deleted.
Am I the only one with these bugs?