Originally Posted by smacklan
I understand that, however for those seeking work here who aren't in the know, so to speak, they are "fresh meat" for those who would take advantage of them without some sort of rating system...or directory where feedback can be left. Which is what led me to my first response to Marco. It just seems that there are many things that could be done here that aren't, this being one of them...still can't figure out why as much was promised long ago yet it's all still undelivered.
What do you expect them to do? Jelsoft is providing a peice of software, and vB.org is providing a coding/product community. There is nothing more to it. There's no way you can expect more than that, you can ask, request, whatever, but in the end business is business and they are only providing that. They can't hold your hand through picking a coder, and such. Why should they? Especially when it's something they don't support.
Of course the newbies will get duped, but trust me, they will learn fast... It's unfortunate they have to learn that at all, and until someone is ready to do something about it (from a legal perspective) then nothing will get done, whether vb.org implement anything more or not because every one you rid there are thousands more around the corner waiting to rip the next person off. It's just the way it is. People are in it for the buck, and those with lower moral standards are willing to sacrifice a little to get an easy buck.
It sucks, but it's reality.