Originally Posted by gullystation
where is this : /newthread.php?do=form ? Where do i put it, can anyone help me?
Go to
Plugins & Products --> Plugin Manager and edit under the the
Product : Form Hack the
Form Hack plugin (you can add more forms if you go down in the [Add New Plugin], see the example of Form Hack and clone it) and in the inside the php code find this
PHP Code:
$formname = "form";
The varieble formname is the name of your form. To call your form from your site just write "
http://www.yoursitename.com/newthread.php?do= + $formname". like
As you see you can add multiple forms just change the name in the $formname varieble in every new plugin.
Also if you want to make new forms you have to change or add a new template in
Styles & Templates, the templates with names in this variebles.
PHP Code:
// Name of the main template
$maintemplate = "form";
// Name of the answer template
$answertemplate = "formanswers";
$maintemplate is the varieble that contains the name of the template as it show if you call the newthread.php?do=form url, and the $answertemplate contains the name of the template of the post.
I hope that you are undestand that.