You can change the start date of forum as follows:
Go the the following URL:
Enter desired start date and time and click on button "Realzeit nach Unixzeit". Copy code after "Unix Zeitstempel in sec.:".
Open file
vbstatistic_overview_preview.php in folder
vbstatistic_preview. SEARCH for code:
$installdate = strtotime($installdate_res); // Installdate convert to unixtime
REPLACE this code with the following code (UNIXTIME has to be replaced with the copied code from above):
$installdate = 'UNIXTIME'; // Installdate convert to unixtime
After replacing the code it has to look something like (e.g. for 01.01.2000 at 12:00:00 o'clock):
$installdate = '946724400'; // Installdate convert to unixtime
Save the changed file and upload the file on your webspace. After the next dataupdate of vBStatistic the new start date of the forum will be taken over.