Originally Posted by ski diva
Done and thanks for all your help! This is a great hack, and you've been very supportive.
A couple more questions:
1) Is there a way to make different header & footer ads for each forum?
2) I'm having trouble with the left column ad. I currently have what's essentially a two column layout: the narrower left column has forum stats above text google adsense ads, the wider, right column has the actual forum stuff (threads, etc). When I use your code (and get rid of the google adsense, since I want to replace it with my own ads), I get a third column to the left of the existing left column, and the right column essentially collapses -- the footer moves above it and it's just a mess.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
1) Not in such a way as you could manage them like you can now, no. It would have to be manual template edits, there's lots of information about that both here and on the vbulletin.com forums.
2) If it's a custom layout I couldn't guess how to fix it, you'd have to get someone to give it some personal attention probably. Could try asking the author of the theme the best way to add columns? They're are a pain in the behind to do even on the default layout. You're not doing anything wrong, it's just the way it works. Sorry.