Originally Posted by Pehchaan
Hi, I Appreciate Your Idea, Just Installed it on vb 3.6 Test Forum
but at this stage the diary forum is not seems as a diary, its need more work to become a great diary Add-on.
Some Suggestions for your future updates:- Diary Author can allow some registered users to read & comment on their diary.
- Thumbnail of Diary Thread (on forumdisplay) and/or..
- Avatar of The Diary Author As a Thubmnail of Diary (on formdisplay)
- Description of Diary Thread (on forumdisplay)
- Transform Forum Into Diary Just Like GARS
- Display Latest Entry's on Right or Left side of the Forumdisplay
Warm regards :up:
Thanks for the feedback!
Regarding your suggestions:
- Diary Author can allow some registered users to read & comment on their diary.
- The author is able to specifiy a password and then provide it to whoever he/she likes. The user doesn't even have to be registered on the forum to view the password protected diary.
- Thumbnail of Diary Thread (on forumdisplay) and/or..
- You mean a direct link to post a diary in a diary subforum? Or could you otherwise please be more exact?
- Avatar of The Diary Author As a Thubmnail of Diary (on formdisplay)
- Maybe it would be better to be able to specify a thumbnail per diary? As 1 user can have multiple diaries about specific subjects like pets etc.
- Description of Diary Thread (on forumdisplay)
- I don't understand what you mean by this. And I would like to keep it "manual template modification" free. It might be possible to change the existing template data via a plugin but I am not sure if this will work or if it would be needed. Isn't just the title like "Diary of user xxx" enaufh?
- Transform Forum Into Diary Just Like GARS
- What exactly is GARS? Could you please provide a link to an example GARS diary and their main site?
- Display Latest Entry's on Right or Left side of the Forumdisplay