Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Well I sent you a list of other mods suggestions, but so far this looks great. I'm just trying to get it positioned into the right spot on my homepage tho, i'll probably spend hours on that lol.
Some suggestions could be to also include a snipet of the post, and if you do that, then I have heaps of ideas to go on from their.
also do you have the vbseo version?
also you misspelled your domain name in the copyright part.
Thanks a lot for the info on the mispelling. Maybe I should have waited until after finals week to work on this? lol
I'll try and get the vbSEO one released tomorrow. Snippet of post is possible. What would be more useful: snippet of the last post made or of the first post?
Originally Posted by 4yBak
hm... maybe you know how to parse bb-codes stored in DB ? I was did similar task, but I have trouble with parsing vBulletin bb-codes
More info here.
BBcode sounds like a lot of work, lol. I'll look into it though . . .