Originally Posted by Ziki
Nobody gets this hack.lol
we get it, we are going a little off topic. sorry lol.
Originally Posted by Ntfu2
I get it just fine. I was simply answering someone elses question for a pointless modification
I will explain what I mean so you understand what I meant.
Originally Posted by Ntfu2
No it doesnt go and check if its a real email address per say because that would be pointless as you could enter any number of email address available on the web. It confirms thats its your email address or one you have access to be able to read. Simply confirming its a real address would be pointless and a waste of time/resources
nice mod btw 
Basically the current way vbulletin has the email confirmation system set up, is so the user inputs their email address twice (which makes sure the user has not accidentally inputed a spelling mistake). and then they need to confirm their email address by clicking on the link in their inbox.
However I have so many duplicate users because they sign up once putting in a fake email address and then realizing they can not post or download because they cant finish the final step in the registration process because they put in a fake email address. So then they sign up again doing it correctly the second time.
However what I was thinking of for a mod would be this. After they enter their email address, (using ajax technology), it would check if that is a real email or a fake one by sending an email and seeing if its gets bounced back or not. If it doesn't get bounced back they can finish their registration process, and then they would be able to activate their account because it would be a real email address. However if the email gets bounced back, an error message would come up saying invalid email address.
This would be impressive if someone could do this. I know that something like this probably would never be made, but in my head, it sounds good, so lets leave it at that