litespeed seems pretty cool. I had problems if I had it use the current apache config. It wouldn’t let me change anything - so if I try it again I wont use that option.
I didn’t want to shut down apache to start it just incase there was a problem. I was trying to get it to go on a different port. I may try it again soon. As long as the board would function then it would be great - just need to make sure it logged the same way for webalizer.
What is really starting to piss me off is that apache is still unresponsive 1-4 times a day. Nothing at all in the error_log ... the access_log does not look funny. There is nothing else I can find. I have disabled plugins, tried every combination for the httpd.conf, tried various memory levels for PHP, fixed an error in my hosts file, tried my best to re-create it..... it just doesn’t have any rhyme or reason. Usually once in the morning when people start getting on again - but its not load sensitive. I could have the busiest night and it wouldn’t miss a beat. So why is it having problems at half the load?
I refuse to think its just the fact that its "fedora" - and it scares me that if I do anything with RHEL or CentOS because they are all close I could have the same problem.
With out errors its hard to diagnose
Oh, and before upgrading to 3.6.4 the same site was 100% rock solid running 3.5.1 on FC3 with Apache 2.0.52 and PHP 4.3.9
We may have resolution -