Originally Posted by DementedMindz
ok so would what you listed stop all of these? im mostly looking to block anonymizers this way they can not connect and make a user name with a anonymous proxie
You're never going to stop ALL proxies in the world. You can only stop those that have been reported or found. However, my list will ONLY block proxies, and will not false-positive by blocking legitimate hosts who happen to match up with spammy networks, etc.
Now, If this add-on had the ability to interpret the response from various blacklists, you could get more coverage. For example, spamhaus will return indicators as to why a particular IP has matched in their database, and these indicators might include an option saying that it is an open proxy. However, this interpretation doesn't occur, so you will end up matching ips against things like Dial up networks, dynamic ip hosts, and ip netblocks that *might* include spammers.
DementedMindz, and anyone else, if it is your intention to block just Open Proxies, then use the following two hosts, as I do: