i own photopost pro and photopost vbgallery.. so between those 2 i prefer vbgallery. pro is like 130 and vbgallery is 60-70 bucks. i was caught up in the idea that pro was the cadillac. after owning both i dont believe that anymore.
the only advantage that i noticed is pro has its own registration and can stand alone w/o vbulletin or intergrate into many different forums besides vb. im sure there are other advanced features,
what i love about vbgallery is it seems much more intergrated. it uses vbulletin template system for each skin. i find w/ paid skins or skins w/ smaller t_cat images it stacks 2 lines and looks out of place ina few intances. however pro looks fine on vbulletin default blue/ white skin.
and last thing is i think its paul m that writes some awesome hacks to intergrate w/ vbadvanced and forum home to pull a few random pics from gallery.
again this is just my opinion... others might disagree.