Originally Posted by mac27
You might read previous post. This has been answered before and only one page back I think.
In the showthread_extra_fields template, replace the contents with this:
<div><b>$threadfield[title]:</b> $thread[fieldvalue]</div>
I am looking to do this in the search template, not the showthread. See this link for how messy the checkbox structure is:
Ideally I would like the check boxes to line up nicely in 2-3 columns.
Field Title:
X option 1 X option 2 X option 3
X option 4 X option 5 X option 6
X option 7 X option 8 X option 9
X option 10 X option 11 X option 12
X= a check box
I have isolated it down to this in the template:
<if condition="$threadfield['type'] == 'checkbox' ">
<input type="hidden" name="thread_fields_admin[$threadfield[fieldid]]" value="$threadfield[fieldid]">
$checkboxstr calls my checkbox options. But I have no clue how to alter $checkboxstr.