Help! PHPAdsNew install STUCK
I am stuck in a loop with the following message right after install and trying to do the admin stuff. I get message below. Click Proceed and get the message below, click proceed and get the message below. Well you get the picture. Anyone know what I need to do short of installing it again all over again? I have clear cookies and reboot my Windows machine .... I even did a hard power ooff and brought it back up.
Welcome to phpAdsNew 2.0.9-pr1
Your system is already up to date, no upgrade is needed at the moment.
Click on Proceed to go to home page.
I will probably go try vBSponsors if I don't get a reply soon. Would like to go live this week and don't want to reinstall PHPAdsNew again without understanding what I did wrong. Any HELP???? I know it's Sunday but anybody..please?