Originally Posted by micheal332001
who pulled your chain i am not using them as excuses thats the facts.
I am not like all of you spend all my time on the net i have a life outside the net.
As you will see from all my scripts i do help and answer and fix most problems within a few days as you can see from my free scripts here.
I always try and help or fix problems even if they are not my scripts.
And yes i am offering a service but that still does not say that i have to be online 24/7 to answer all questions.
It may take a day or 2 before i can answer any questions.
I'm not saying you didn't follow through, I don't really know all the details. I am just talking about the general attitude of "I have problems, so that justifies not delivering what was promised". You and some of the other coders mentioned here are making it sound like that is how you feel about it and that it justifies things.
Everyone has problems. But as a person offering products/services for money, it is YOUR responsibility not to allow YOUR problems to effect YOUR customers. It isn't your customer's job to deal with not receiving something you took the payment for because of your problems. At the very least, if you can't deliver something due to other issues, explain it to the buyer and return the money. They will probably understand.
And I'm talking solely about whatever was promised on the front end, not 24/7 support and all of that (unless of course you promised that as part of the sale). Sure, some buyers have unreasonable expectations that you don't have to meet. But he should be able to expect a product that works as it was advertised, delivered in a timely manner. If he paid for installation services offered by you, he should expect to receive them. If all that was done, then the guy really has no complaints. Quality of scripts (spelling errors, etc.) are a whole seperate issue.
Even if you don't do this for a living, you have entered into a business transaction once you start selling a product. The customer has every right to expect you to deliver what you have accepted payment for. It's just common sense. When you pay for a package at amazon.com and they never send it, would you accept it if the salesperson told you "Well, I've had some problems at home, I'll try to send it soon if I can?" Of course not. You want your package or your money back.
I'm not trying to go off on you personally, its just that I have seen a lot of this type of attitude from coders who promise things, take the money, and then don't deliver as if their own problems justify not doing the job. Its really a detriment to the many coders out there who do what they say they are going to do.
Originally Posted by MRGTB
That's the problem, they're providing the platform for it, but at the same time there posting that they don't want to be involved as well.
As long as threads like this one are allowed, it is a good counterbalance. As the "home" of the VB community, we need to be able to discuss good vendors and bad vendors.
It would be very difficult for vb.org to try to police this, as there are always 2 sides to every story and they probably don't have the time to play "internet cop" or arbitrator between 2 third parties.