Thank you for your feedback however I am not looking to create an end-all solution that contains so much code as to be a hindrance unto the system, nor am I a developer looking to make a major module. I do marketing and I saw a basic feature lacking from an otherwise robust product -- welcome headers is meant to solve that problem and let sites go from there. Out of the box welcome headers works, it's light weight, requires minimal install time, runs fast and is simple. Customizing it is ideal although not required. And that's exactly what I'm looking for it to be.
As someone who has been in the Internet Marketing and Community Development market for over a decade I am in complete agreement that things should be as personalized and as versatile as possible, but that's something I leave up to each forum to do as they see fit. If you want to delve into the code and create something that brings more participation to your community I encourage you to do so; that's how I got the idea in the first place.