Originally Posted by DChapman
Hi Danny,
Though we never intended to upset anyone, I do apologize for not communicating our initial intentions better.
Thanks for the reply. I've been reading this thread for a while and I notice that consistently, users are asking for a way to make it so this hack does not communicate with zoints in any way. I share that concern and this should be a hint that perhaps forum owners don't want to have anything to do with a larger network and you would probably get more business if you offered a standalone version that could be bought.
I noticed you cannot remove or change the zoint navbar. That needs to be changed. I find it unhelpful that zoints seems to think they know whats best for other people's forums. The decision to even have that navbar should be up to the forum owner. Your interstate and roadsign analagy makes sense yes but ignores the fact that poeple might not want to have that interstate rolling through their community out of their control. I see alot of improvement from the original zoints central and I just may give it a try but I still dont get a warm feeling that gives me confidence in zoints' full intentions.
Some Questions:
Can my user's profile pages be username.domain.com like when you sign up at zoints.com? I find that /z/ utterly ridiculous to have in the address.
Is the default search option still to search all communities?
When will we see VB header and footer integration like Photopost and VBA?
When will we see Photopost block integration?
When will there be different language support? (I need french).
Can a user delete their zoints profile?