Hello Everyone,
I know this has been asked before, but no one has seemed to answer it, so I am going to ask it again. Besides, I am sure that are still several people including myself that is experiencing this issue.
This is a really good hack other than the fact that after it's installed, it also shows up in the personal message due to it being in the postbit_legacy file. It's not that it shows up in the personal message that is the problem, the problem is, is that it does not fit properly in the personal message page (below the message box itself).
However, if I change the formatting code to make it fit in the personal message page, then it does not show up properly after the 1st post in a thread. A catch 22 situation.
Therefore, I either need to find a way to fix the formatting so that it fits in both sitiuations or make it so that it does not show up in the personal message.
I do want to use the code and not want to have to delete it because it won't show up properly in the personal message, so I need some help.
Anyone know how to fix the code for either situations?
Thank You,