Originally Posted by micheal332001
II do not code for a living and i will take my time making changes as thats how i code i dont rush things as it should not be rushed.
So dont put my down for a service when i do have alot going on im my life that you would never know and i would not tell you.
I do my best to give help and i have one person thats you thats trying to say im a scammer when in fact i have not.
I hate to tell you this - but once you decided to accept money in exchange for providing a product or service, all of that ceases to mean anything to anyone but you. It's a "YP" - YOUR Problem. If you can't do the job due to other factors, you shouldn't offer the service or take the money, its that simple.
It's excellent and commendable that you are trying to make things good so don't get me wrong about that. It definately helps differentiate you from a scammer who just wants to rip someone off. But the "I don't code for a living", "I have other things going on in my life", etc. are excuses, and when someone has paid for something, they don't want excuses, they want what they paid for. It's not like you are doing them a favor.