Originally Posted by DChapman
Doing the following will usually fix that:
1. Go to vbulletin admincp > Zoints Profile options
2. In Zoints Local URL enter the path to the /z/ directory such as http://www.yourdomain.com/z/ or yourdomain.com/forums/z/
Most people don't need to do this, but every now and then what you're experiencing crops up.
actully it was my fault i think now that i added zointsprofile_popup_navbar to the cmps it works 0.o another question off subject when i use a mydomain.com/fourm/admincp/ i can login to my admincp but when i use fourm.mydomian i can't login >_< it just takes me back into the admin login
***FIXED*** also when i login through fourm.mydomain when i goto my zoints profile says i don't have permissions to view this page i know this is alot of questions but i also don't have Go to vbulletin admincp > Zoints Profile options... wow i feel new to this all over again***FIXED*** i found it....